Friday, June 3, 2011

Backlights Pt. 2

Well I got it working. The problem was that I had both of the 5V via 1Kohm resistor lines going through one resistor. I split it, used two resistors and it came right up. 

However, this revealed the fallowing video signal issues:


  1. Sorry I didn't make that clearer in my blog - you can not split the voltages after the resistor. You have to use independent resistors.

    If you could do me a favor and let me know what if anything you found difficult to follow, confusing, or could just be stated better in my blog I would appreciate it.

  2. Yeah, for sure. Any ideas on my color issues? I just double checked the wiring with a multimeter and everything seems to be hooked up in the right place.

  3. Hi, I'm doing my mod using JBerg's TMDS to DVI method, and I'm having similar color issues with my LCD.
    Heard that you solved the issue by replacing the black cable?
    Do you replace it with the stock cable or something else?

  4. If memory serves, I cut the insulation off of a standard DVI video cable and used those wires. You want to keep the small groups of wires inside wrapped though.
